I was watching Doc Martin with my mother in law the other day, there is a scene with Doc Martin conversing with his mom in his kitchen.
Doc Martin: Would you like an esspresso?
Mom: Do you have instant?
I could not help it but chuckle. Also noticed that he has a baby gaggia twin. Told Taufik from ETC that the other day, ETC is where I got one of those damn machine. Worth every sen that I spent. An another strange coincidence is when I was watching The New Scandinavian on AFC, she's got one of those Gaggia icecream maker machine.
I have had this new fascination with coffee since coming back from Zaragoza. The thing about the way the serve coffee in Spain is that it is done with dignity. The cafe con leche (coffee with milk, kopi susu), is done with an esspresso machine. This is like standard operating procedure from the smallest cafe at the train station to the poshest of restaurant. This amazes me, resulting on one hand, me having this new fetish on coffee and another made me realise how shitty Nescafe 3 in one taste like. The thing about good coffee is a pleasure to make and even more so to savour.
Now all I got to do is learn how to froth milk properly, and learn how to make that heart shape, chrismast tree and oddest of shapes on that froth. and be a barista.
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